Monday, October 24, 2011

Jp Morgan Chase Donates 4.6 Million To NYPD During Occupy Protests!

If you are unaware, like many. On Sept. 26th, Jp Morgan Chase donated 4.6 Million dollars to the NYPD. What most do know about this donation is that it is yet another example of how wall street thinks that money will solve all of its problems, problems they've created. Unfortunately with NYPD overtime costs up to around 3.5 Million, I have a feeling they are going to need keep digging in those deep pockets. And that was on the 15th of October, I can only image where they will be in the next month. If Chase and other banks want to keep donating, I say let them. With them giving it away and us taking it away on Nov 5th (Bank Transfer Day) Those bonuses are soon to come down. Besides they're just adding fuel to the fire. Also knowing the dent we can put in the cities pocket book, I believe is a serious advantage. With the way the government is already suffering, it can only hold on for so long. Change is coming!

Side note: what most people don't know about the donation is that it was the banks largest donation in history, making it obvious that they are trying to buy the police force that are sworn to protect and serve.

 Corporate Website link: Chase

Full Article: JP Morgan Chase recently donated $4.6 Million to the NYPD, coincidence?

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